Fully Automated/Computerized Distillation System for fractionating of crude oil samples, atmospheric residues resp. vacuum distillations of lubricating oil samples
up to very low operation pressure (high vacuum HV: Operation pressures
down to 0.005 mmHg, allowing fraction temperatures up to 600 °C AET).
The unit is equipped with an automatic fraction collector (FC) and combined automatic fraction discharge into final receivers, which are closed automatically.
The fraction volumes and weights are determined by built-in volume follower system and internal balance (included software "FC-Extension" allows to operate very narrow fractions by using max. 40 receivers).
FISCHER® AUTODEST® 800 AC/HV/S - 200 ltr
Fully Automated/Computerized Distillation System for fractionating of crude oil samples, atmospheric residues resp. vacuum distillations of lubricating oil samplesup to very low operation pressure (high vacuum HV: Operation pressuresdown to 0.01 mmHg, allowing fraction temperatures up to > 560 °C AET).
The unit is equipped with an automatic fraction collector (FC) and combined
automatic fraction discharge into final receivers, which are closed automatically.
The fraction volumes and weights are determined by built-in volume follower system and internal balance (included software "FC-Extension" allows to operate very narrowfractionsby using max. 40 receivers).